We are Neighborhoods Without Borders, a networking grassroots community coming together to significantly improve the over-all quality of life in Flint neighborhoods by using an asset approach (people’s gifts) to take direct action.
Join us as we think about the “big picture” for Flint, and work to break down the borders of fear and misunderstanding that separate us and divide our community. Our goal is transforming Flint, Michigan into the epitome of equity, not just in the United States, but on a global, universal, and even galactic scale. Let your dreams soar as high as ours, and join us in turning those dreams into impactful actions.
Addressing racism and its multifaceted impact on the United States is not the responsibility of people of color. Racism originated in white people’s hatred of black and brown people and engagement in the slave trade in the 1600s, and its detrimental effects persists today. It is imperative for white people to take the lead in putting an end to it. Simultaneously, let’s propel Flint, Michigan to become the forefront of equity consciousness, education, action, and successes in undoing racism – the Equity Capital of the Universe!
Recognizing the strength and resilience of Flint residents after enduring numerous community-wide tragedies, Neighborhoods Without Borders believes that our community can overcome this tragedy too. We are seeking like-minded white neighbors who are committed to taking initiative and doing what is right, and who understand that the time for change is now.


Learn about ways to identify your competencies and how to improve them.
A healthy, equitable community is one that offers complete social, physical and mental well-being at all stages of life and strives for justice and fairness in meeting the needs for all residents. Self-evaluation tools are available to help individuals rate their skills needed to enact equitable community and economic development. These skills range from self to group skills. To take the separate assessments, or learn more about them, and their benefits, click the link below.
You aren’t required to replicate everything we or others are doing. This website is designed to assist you in evaluating your resources and pinpointing ways you can contribute to promoting racial justice in Flint.
- Directly engage residents who can identify, develop and support implementation of solutions.
- Create an environment that is inclusive and intentional.
- Ensure transparency in all aspects of NWB operations.
- Invest in efforts that lead to sustainable solutions and emphasize leadership development, collaboration and bringing together the strengths (assets) of faith-based entities, community-based organizations, associations, businesses, government, agencies, funders, and citizens.
- Support solutions that build upon the assets and capabilities of each neighborhood and community through the strengths of individuals, families, and organizations.
- Mobilize residents and neighborhoods for collective action.
- Encourage open communication with an emphasis on active listening and reaching consensus.
- Promote a supportive environment that allows individuals, neighborhoods, and organizations to learn and grow.
- Model accountability and transparency for residents, donors, and stakeholders.
- Demonstrate the value of successful long-term partnerships.
Neighborhoods Without Borders thinks of itself as a convenor, a network, and a partner in our mission to create a Flint that is inclusive and intentional in its actions to achieve equality and racial justice.
Free Hugs or Ask an American are pop up community engagement activities to start conversations and bring understanding about the value and similarities of our diverse neighbors.
Interactive Programs
- Opening Doors
- Ask An American
- Hugs for Humanity
- Facilitate Racial Healing & Transformation Sessions
- Facilitated & Supported Learning Opportunities
- The Tendaji Talks (now hosted by UM-Flint)
Please contact NWB through its facilitator Robert Brown if you would like us more information about NWB programming.
Robert Brown
[email protected]